When you are stepping into the reseller hosting business and you don’t have any idea about where and how to start. There are many primary things you should take into consideration before buying a reseller hosting from the hosting provider such as pricing, hosting support, hardware, setup, and facility, etc. Once you find the right […]
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Relational Database Management System
In this tutorial, we will discuss Relational Database Management Systems. Let’s first discuss What do databases do? Databases have the ability to store large amounts of data. So when we search for any information on the internet then it finds all the URLs that meet the criteria. So far if you have been looking for […]
See MoreBandwidth Limit Exceeded: Unsuspend it.
Hello, If domain is giving the error of “Bandwidth Limit Exceeded” you can unsuspend it from WHM or terminal as well. From WHM : To bring the website back online or un-suspend the bandwidth exceed-er, use the option WHM >> Account Functions >> Unsuspend Bandwidth Exceeders >> click “Proceed”. This will reset the bandwidth usage […]
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