25 Ordinary WordPress Errors You Shouldn’t Miss It (And How to Fix Them)

Nothing can be more awkward than experiencing an unexpected WordPress error. Fortunately, WordPress is generally a brilliant bunch with a unique reputation and isn’t likely to accept errors without genuine reason. It is very frustrating to get an error on your machine and you’re not able to solve it. We know that errors are daunting […]

Why WordPress Website is running slow (Complete Guide)

Have you heard about WordPress? Yes, I know it. WordPress needs no intro as its popular CMS (Content Management Source) helps bloggers and other tech geeks to design their own websites worldwide. Additionally, small business owners can also start with WordPress to cater maximum potential crowd. WordPress is a great platform that anyone can consider […]

How to Select a WordPress Theme

Are you a WordPress blogger? If Yes, You must have set up your WordPress blog. I Know while setting up a WordPress blog, you must have come across many challenges. Just let me know what was more challenging whether it was building a WordPress website or giving a makeover to a website. Aah! Both are […]