The easiest way to duplicate MySQL database is just using mysqldump command. Based on following variables:
OS: CentOS 6.0 64bit
MySQL root password: q1w2e3!@#
Database name: grand_shopper
Duplicate database name: grand_shopper_dev
New database user: dev_user
Password: D3eVVbf7
Firstly, since I just want to copy and duplicate database inside the same server, I need to create the database:
$ mysql -u root -p'q1w2e3!@#' -e "create database grand_shopper_dev" |
And use following command to duplicate the database content from grand_shopper to grand_shopper_dev:
$ mysqldump -u root -p'q1w2e3!@#' grand_shopper | mysql -u root -p'q1w2e3!@#' grand_shopper_dev |
Format: mysqldump [user] [password] [source database] | mysql [user] [password] [destination database]
Now create MySQL user to associate with the new database. Access the MySQL server using command:
$ mysql -u root -p'q1w2e3!@#' |
And run following SQL command:
mysql> GRANT USAGE ON grand_shopper_dev.* TO dev_user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'D3eVVbf7'; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON grand_shopper_dev.* TO dev_user@localhost ; |
Try access the new database with new user:
$ mysql -h localhost -u dev_user -p'D3eVVbf7'