To block a traffic from entire country using .htaccess file, Go to following URL and select the country which you want to block and click on generate .htaccess code button. After that, copy/paste results to your .htaccess file . Thats it.
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Debug RvSitebuilder
Are you getting any problem while using RVsitebuilder. to view debug information, use following steps. 1. SSH as a root to server and vim file /var/cPanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/var/{Server_IP}.default.conf.ini.php.Under [log], configuration to as below. [log] enabled=1 type=file name=var/log/php_log.txt priority=PEAR_LOG_DEBUG 2. Now run tail -f /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/var/log/php_log.txt. 3. Try to access RVSiteBuilder and check the logs and try to figure […]
See MoreEasyApache Error
/scripts/preeasyapache: line 116: /var/asl/data/templates/template-cPanel-posteasyapache-hook: No such file or directory This file is missing, I only have these 4 in that folder. template-cpanel-apache-hook template-cpanel-posteasyapache template-cpanel-preeasyapache template-cpanel-preeasyapache-hook Fix: Just remove the reference to that, it doesnt exist. Its an artifact of the way cpanel mangled perl in their environment.
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