Mod_evasive Installation

Use following steps to do it.

cd /usr/local/src
tar -zxf mod_evasive_1.10.1.tar.gz
cd mod_evasive
/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -cia mod_evasive.c
Follow this section for Apache 2.0.x.
up2date -i httpd-devel
cd /usr/local/src
tar -zxf mod_evasive_1.10.1.tar.gz
cd mod_evasive
/usr/sbin/apxs -cia mod_evasive20.c

If you are adding the is module to apache 1.3.x the following lines need to be added to the httpd.conf below the AddModule section.

<IfModule mod_evasive.c>
DOSHashTableSize 3097
DOSPageCount 5
DOSSiteCount 100
DOSPageInterval 2
DOSSiteInterval 2
DOSBlockingPeriod 600

If you are using apache 2.0.x you need to scroll to below the LoadModule section in the httpd.conf and add the following:

<IfModule mod_evasive20.c>
DOSHashTableSize 3097
DOSPageCount 5
DOSSiteCount 100
DOSPageInterval 2
DOSSiteInterval 2
DOSBlockingPeriod 10
DOSBlockingPeriod 600

Exit and save out of the httpd.conf

Now it should be ready to go. Exit out of pico and restart apache.
service httpd restart

Mod_evasive Installation, Hostripples Web Hosting