If your website traffic is increasing and your sites seem to have slower page loading time than it used to be, then its time to upgrade your hosting package. Plenty of other options are provided by a hosting provider such as upgraded shared hosting, or SSD hosting, or VPS hosting, you can choose any of […]
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WooCommerce: Turn your WordPress site into an e-commerce site!
WooCommerce is the most popular tool for the creation of online shops. It turns out to be a complete tool with free general features but also many paid extensions that largely enrich and complete this WordPress service. WooCommerce is especially well suited for SMEs that are wishing to develop their own e-shop and that can stay […]
See MoreVPS or Dedicated Server? Know which is good for your Business
Earning a good profit is the ultimate aim of any business. But many of the businesses fail due to wrong decision making or improper planning. This too applies to the online businesses. In order to promote their business, a number of traditional businesses are switching to online platforms or to increase the reach of targeted […]
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