
Command Line Tools to Monitor The Linux Server

In many situations, we need to perform a Linux command-line operation but we might not know the right utility to run. After being a Linux Administrator for years, I can say how difficult it is to monitor and keep systems up & running. A command is script, programs & libraries that have been created with […]

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Top 10 Benefit Of Cloud Hosting Over Traditional Hosting

Traditional hosting is inherited from the last two decades and still running in the more or less the same way it was previously now the world & technology are changing and the requirements of web hosting are changing rapidly that’s why Cloud Hosting comes in picture. Now when I say traditional hosting! You must be […]

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How does shared hosting work?

Hello All, Before you choose the best suitable hosting for our website you should know how exactly does the shared hosting works and how its suitable to your needs. Yes ! when i say needs its co-relate to your website , every website needs resources to run it smoothly. What does these resources includes ? […]

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