phpMyadmin error due to session.save_path, Hostripples Web Hosting

phpMyadmin error due to session.save_path

Sometimes you may face following error in phpmyadmin,

Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.

First thing you’ll neet to do is to check the error logs.(Generally its here /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log). You will probably see errors referencing permission errors writing to your session directory.

Just  change the permission of the session directory (chmod 777) you should be good to go.

If no success….

Login in to the Shell with the root user

# vi /usr/local/cPanel/3rdparty/etc/phpmyadmin/php.ini

and change the values for

session.save_handler = sqlite
session.save_path = /var/cpanel/userhomes/cpanelphpmyadmin/sessions/


session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = /tmp

after saving the file, restart apache.

If after upgrade its reverting back, or you don’t want to change the session.save_path in php.ini for phpmyadmin

# mkdir -p /var/cpanel/userhomes/cpanelphpmyadmin/sessions
# chmod 1777 /var/cpanel/userhomes/cpanelphpmyadmin/sessions

and restart the apache service.

This should resolve the issue.

phpMyadmin error due to session.save_path, Hostripples Web Hosting