Databases showing 0MB in cPanel

Databases showing 0MB in cPanel  From command line 1. Run the command. # /usr/local/cpanel/bin/setupdbmap 2. Edit cPanel configuration file. disk_usage_include_sqldbs=1 ( you need to set it to ‘1’ if ‘0’ ) in file /var/cpanel/cpanel.config 3. Run the following script. #/scripts/update_db_cache You can also enable this from the WHM control panel. WHM >> Server Configuration >> […]

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How to install mod_evasive in cPanel server?

install mod_evasive in cPanel server Installation steps for Apache 2.2 Download the mod_evasive source file to the server #cd /usr/local/src #wget Extract the zip file that we downloaded to the server #tar -xvzf mod_evasive_1.10.1.tar.gz #cd mod_evasive To load dynamic modules to Apache, use apxs #/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -cia mod_evasive20.c This will create an entry in the […]

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OpenVZ commands and its usages

10+ Commonly using OpenVZ commands and its usages 1, Command to list the running VPSs in a node # vzlist Example: # vzlist CTID NPROC STATUS IP_ADDR HOSTNAME 106 104 running xx.xx.xx.xx 107 46 running xx.xx.xx.xx 108 83 running xx.xx.xx.xx 109 86 running xx.xx.xx.xx 2, Command to list running and stopped […]

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