Upgrade MySQL and MySQL Governor in cPanel

Upgrade MySQL and MySQL Governor in cPanel CloudLinux based server First make full mysql backup(including system tables)  to safe location. 1) Take the backup of all the databases on the server. $ mkdir -p ~/mysqlbkp $ service mysql restart –skip-networking –skip-grant-tables $ mysql_upgrade $ mysqldump –all-databases –routines –triggers > ~/mysqlbkp/dbcopy.sql $ service mysql stop $ cp -r /var/lib/mysql/mysql ~/mysqlbkp/ $ service mysql start 2)  update mysql/governor in the following way: # yum update governor-mysql –enablerepo=cloudlinux-updates-testing # /usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/db-select-mysql –mysql-version=mysql55 # /usr/share/lve/dbgovernor/db-select-mysql –install-now installation […]

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Databases showing 0MB in cPanel

Databases showing 0MB in cPanel  From command line 1. Run the command. # /usr/local/cpanel/bin/setupdbmap 2. Edit cPanel configuration file. disk_usage_include_sqldbs=1 ( you need to set it to ‘1’ if ‘0’ ) in file /var/cpanel/cpanel.config 3. Run the following script. #/scripts/update_db_cache You can also enable this from the WHM control panel. WHM >> Server Configuration >> […]

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