How to Enable MySQL Slow Query Log in a cPanel/WHM Linux server

To MySQL enable slow query log in cPanel server, you can use the following steps. Add the following to /etc/my.cnf file on the server. # vi /etc/my.cnf log-slow-queries=/var/lib/mysql/slow.log After that, do the following commands to create the file with the right ownership and file permissions # touch /var/lib/mysql/slow.log # chmod 660 /var/lib/mysql/slow.log # chown mysql:mysql […]

Know-How Dedicated Server Will Help Your Business

If your website traffic is increasing and your sites seem to have slower page loading time than it used to be, then its time to upgrade your hosting package. Plenty of other options are provided by a hosting provider such as upgraded shared hosting, or SSD hosting, or VPS hosting, you can choose any of […]

Command Line Tools to Monitor The Linux Server

In many situations, we need to perform a Linux command-line operation but we might not know the right utility to run. After being a Linux Administrator for years, I can say how difficult it is to monitor and keep systems up & running. A command is script, programs & libraries that have been created with […]