List of 51 Linux Commands for Beginners 

Linux is a top-rated platform on the internet.  Linux is a free and open-source operating system, meaning anyone can use, modify, and distribute it without cost or restrictions. It powers many devices and systems, including personal computers, servers, supercomputers, smartphones (Android), and embedded devices. As per the stats, nearly 97% of websites on the internet use Linux servers and 55.9% of professional developers […]

How to install Django on a Linux shared hosting account?

Django is a Python-based framework that enables you to quickly and easily create powerful websites. This article demonstrates how to install and configure Django on a Linux shared hosting account that uses cPanel. After completing the following procedures, you will have a functioning registered Django site on your account that: Loads a static homepage for […]

Know-How Dedicated Server Will Help Your Business

If your website traffic is increasing and your sites seem to have slower page loading time than it used to be, then its time to upgrade your hosting package. Plenty of other options are provided by a hosting provider such as upgraded shared hosting, or SSD hosting, or VPS hosting, you can choose any of […]