What is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud is a simple and enjoyable way to preserve your data and download it from almost anywhere. Many users doubt the protection of their personal and professional data. Yet, few people know what the Cloud, Cloud Hosting and Cloud Computing are. Many providers give their customers the ability to register (and more widely to host) […]

How to install Django on a Linux shared hosting account?

Django is a Python-based framework that enables you to quickly and easily create powerful websites. This article demonstrates how to install and configure Django on a Linux shared hosting account that uses cPanel. After completing the following procedures, you will have a functioning registered Django site on your account that: Loads a static homepage for […]

How to start a Reseller Hosting Business?

When you are stepping into the reseller hosting business and you don’t have any idea about where and how to start. There are many primary things you should take into consideration before buying a reseller hosting from the hosting provider such as pricing, hosting support, hardware, setup, and facility, etc. Once you find the right […]