SSH – Secure Shell – What is it ?

SSH stands for Secure Shell and is a secure method of accessing remote systems. Wit SSH, you can login to your Linux or Unix shell command prompt and execute commands as if you were sitting right in front of the server typing at the console. SSH has a wonderful feature called SSH Port Forwarding, sometimes […]

Command for Rsync over SSH – Unix/Linux

Command for Rsync over SSH   Common Syntax for Rsync: # rsync [options] Source Destinations. Set up a secure backup with rsync + SSH of one system to the other. rsync -avz –numeric-ids –delete /backup/myserver/ To do the backup, you have to be root on the remote server, because some files are only root […]

SSH with private key authentication

How to Add ssh user on linux server ? Ans: You can use the putyykey generator and generate the ssh key for the user and copy into the local computer.You can download the puttykey generator from the URL The following are the steps for creating ssh user with the authentication :- #adduser test #passwd […]