Create yum repository on local machine

Yum repository on local machine

If you want to install software/packages after installation of linux  (CentOS, Fedora etc.). You can create the yum repository to install all the software/packages which is present into the instillation CD. When you have try to install software/packages then some time it shows dependencies problems. To fix this problem I suggest your create the local machine yum repository by using the following steps.

1) Create directory

mkdir -p /root/install/RPMS

2) Copy all the software/packages RPMS from instillation CD/DVD to  /root/install/RPMS directory

3) Install createrepo RPM from /root/install/RPMS  directory using rpm command

rpm -ivh createrepo-0.4.11-3.el5.rpm

3) Now, we will have to create repo of the directory in which we have coied the RPMS. Following is the command to create the repo

[root@server ~] createrepo /root/install/RPMS

Once the above command gets completed you will find repodata directory in /root/install/RPMS folder

4) configuing YUM to work with local repository. Create a new file in /etc/yum.repo.d/ or open /etc/yum.conf and paste following

[local repo]
name = OS $release - MyLocalRepo
baseurl = file://root/install/RPMS

Now Try to install any package using ” yum ” command

for example:

yum install mysql

yum install php*


Create yum repository on local machine, Hostripples Web Hosting
Vishwajit Kale
Vishwajit Kale blazed onto the digital marketing scene back in 2015 and is the digital marketing strategist of Hostripples, a company that aims to provide affordable web hosting solutions. Vishwajit is experienced in digital and content marketing along with SEO. He's fond of writing technology blogs, traveling and reading.