Why shared Cpanel server security is major concern?

We all are having good awareness of server security. Its on going process and we have to harden it as much as we can. For that, we install cloudlinux, Maldet/ClamAV antivirus, CSF, CpHulk. We configure software and hardware firewall on the cPanel server. We try to update the OS and other thrid party applications. There […]

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How to Terminate old suspended accounts on cpanel server

Terminate old suspended accounts on cPanel server Following scripts:  1) vi /root/terminatesuspended.sh for i in `find /var/cpanel/suspended/ -mtime +90 | cut -d’/’ -f5 | sed ‘1 d’` do y | /scripts/killacct $i –killdns n; done; 2) sh /root/terminatesuspended.sh & 3) Done

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