You can retrieve the Joomla admin area password with the help below easy steps: 1)Find out joomla database name from configuration.php. 2)login to whm, go to phpmyadmin sction 3)search joomla database name 4)click on the table “jos_users” 5)select and edit this table 6)find user_pass, select functions md5 and type any password for joomla 7)click on […]
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Joomla site is not working properly after enabling clean URL’s!
Normally clients are enabling the clean URL’s with the purpose of better SEO with the search engines…whenever they enabling it from the joomla admin area it automatically creates some code under the .htaccess file. So whenever client making any changes in the .htaccess file it directly affects the clean URL’s, so you suppose to check […]
See MoreGetting blank page for wordpress site!
Most of times we get blank page due to memory issue or due to new plugin/theme installation. We need to go through error_log file for this and where we will be able to get the exact cause. For memory issue, you should just create php.ini file under the document root ie public_html and put […]
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