Domain Name

What Is a Domain Name? A Beginner-Friendly Guide

A domain is the main parameter to recognize a website. Just like your name helps people to recognize you.

As people recognized me as an “Ekta”, right?

This is how we remember our colleagues, friends, and loved ones. Simultaneously, a domain name helps the global audience to remember your website. It is a fundamental element of the internet.  

Above, I have elaborated on what is a domain in one sentence and then what to learn more about that.

For example, we know about Television but it doesn’t mean we actually know it’s working right from developing to assembling.

Yes, am I right?

Likewise, we know domain but in dept, it also has something to understand apart from the basic term of domain.

Here, we will try to mention all aspects related to the domain as a beginner-friendly guide.  

Come on…!

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is a unique, human-readable identifier that represents a website on the internet. It is used to locate and access websites and is an essential part of a website’s address or URL (Uniform Resource Locator). A domain name consists of two main components: the actual name or label and the domain extension.

For example, in the domain name “,” “example” is the name or label, and “.com” is the domain extension. The domain extension indicates the type of organization or geographical location associated with the website. Some popular extensions are .com, .org, .net, .edu, .gov, etc.

Domain names are registered through domain registrars, which are organizations authorized by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Once registered, a domain name provides an exclusive web address for a website and enables users to access it by typing the domain name into a web browser.

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Components of Domain

The domain includes various parts that have different names.  Check below examples of domain components:

The www is the web address that is used for communication. It is a common subdomain but sometimes there is no subdomain at all.  The information in the above example is specific to the domain and comprises a Top-level domain (TLD) and a Second – Level Domain (SLD)  

Top-level Domain

Generally, it’s a domain name extension which is considered one of the important aspects of the website URL.  Its “types” your website. With TLD, you can identify the type of website you’re visiting.  For. ex,

.com – commercial

.org – organization

.gov – government websites, etc.

Second Level Domain

It refers to the portion of the URL directly before the TLD or if there is no subdomain then immediately next to https://.

It consists of brand name therefore it’s a crucial aspect also. SLD is a point where your visitors or potential visitors consider recalling your brand again. For example, if we sell hosting services then our domain name includes the host which is called “Hostripples”, the host word refers to hosting.  

Third–Level Domain

After knowing TLD and SLD concepts, you must have guessed the third one which is one step ahead to the left.  

In certain cases, if there is a 3rd level domain, it will be in the form of a subdomain, the most common is www. However, you often come across things like or There are also third–level domains like FTP or mail server. Many websites also highlight different language versions of their websites e.g.,    

However, these terms are tough and depend upon the structure of the domain.

For example, if we have or then the UK is the top–level domain, .co is the SLD, and the third–level domain would be the website name.   

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Working of Domain

A website has two main parameters one is the domain name and the second web hosting server. Every single domain is connected to the specific IP addresses and servers that host the websites.

When a user enters a domain name into a browser, it looks for the associated IP address via a global network of domain name system (DNS) servers.

Ahead, the server with the information about the IP address returns it to the web browser that asks for the data about the website from the domain’s hosting service.   

This web server keeps all the website’s data, including its files, databases, and HTML code. Once the host replied with the data back, the web browser changes it into a web page that users can visit.  

Why domain is needed?

There are several reasons why having a domain name is important. Here are some key reasons:

Professionalism: A domain name gives your website a professional and credible image. It shows that you are serious about your online identity and can enhance your brand reputation.

Branding: A domain name allows you to create a unique and memorable brand for your website or business. It gives you the opportunity to choose a name that aligns with your brand identity, making it easier for customers to remember and associate with your products or services.

Virtual Appearance: A domain name is needed to get a reorganization on the web. It serves as the address for your website and allows users to find and access your website easily. Without a domain name, you have to rely on lengthy IP addresses, which are not user-friendly and can be challenging to remember.

Custom Email Addresses: With a domain name, you can create custom email addresses using your domain, such as or Having a professional email address associated with your domain adds credibility and helps to maintain consistent branding.

Control and Ownership: Owning a domain name provides control over your online identity. You have the flexibility to choose your domain registrar, and web hosting provider, and make changes to your website’s content and functionality as needed. It also prevents others from using the same domain name, protecting your brand and online presence.

SEO Benefits: A domain name that reflects your business or website’s purpose can have positive effects on search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines often consider keywords in domain names when determining search rankings. Having a relevant domain name can potentially improve your website’s visibility in search results.

Future Scalability: Registering a domain name allows you to plan for future growth and scalability. Even if you don’t have a website or online presence, securing a domain name ensures that it will be available when you’re ready to establish your online presence.

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Difference between Domain and Website

Certainly! The terms “domain name” and “website” refer to different components of your online presence. Here’s an explanation of the difference between the two:

Domain Name

A domain name is a unique and human-readable address that represents a specific website or online resource on the internet. It serves as the online identity of your website or business.

A domain name consists of two main parts: the actual name (e.g., hostripples and the domain extension (e.g., .com, .org, .net). For example, in the domain name “,” “hostripples” is the name, and “.com” is the domain extension.

A domain name is registered with a domain registrar and is used to direct users to the website associated with it. It is entered into a web browser’s address bar to access a specific website.

Domain names are unique, and two websites can’t have the same domain name. You need to change or add something to make it unique. Ex;,,, and so on.  


A website refers to a collection of web pages, multimedia content, and other digital resources that are hosted on a web server and made available on the Internet.

It is the actual online platform or presence where you can publish information, showcase products or services, interact with users, and perform various online activities.

A website typically includes web pages that are interconnected through navigation menus, links, and other elements.

These pages contain content such as text, images, videos, forms, and interactive features. A website can be static, with fixed content that doesn’t change frequently, or dynamic, with content that is generated or updated dynamically based on user interactions or other factors.

A website is hosted on a web server, which is a computer or network of computers that store the website’s files and delivers them to users when they access the corresponding domain name. The website files include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, media files, and any other resources needed to display the web pages correctly.

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Steps to Buy a Domain Name

This heading includes how to register and transfer the domain name.

To register a domain, you can follow these general steps:

  • Choose a Domain Registrar
  • Check Domain Availability
  • Select the Domain Extension
  • Provide Contact Information
  • Choose Registration Duration
  • Complete the Registration
  • Verify and Confirm
  • DNS Configuration
  • Wait for DNS Propagation

Transferring a domain includes steps for transferring or changing the domain registrar. Check the below steps to transfer a domain to Hostripples.

Step #1: Unlock the domain

Step #2: Search the domain using a transferring tool.

Step #3: Enter the authorization code for confirmation.

Step #4: Your domain transfer will take place in 5 – 7 days.  

What to do if Domain Name Expires?

We know it’s tough to hear! But sometimes, it’s necessary to deal with. Without a domain, it becomes tough to access the website. Moreover, once expired, others are always ready to buy your expired domain name. It is always suggested to renew your domain on and before time.  

Check the guidelines that are adopted by ICANN known as the Expired Registration Recovery Policy. Here, registrars can disclose information to customers about, among other things, notices, expiry, and redemption procedures.  

As a result, there are a number of protocols that helps to recover expired domains and recover those that have expired. Those are:

  • Make sure you have registered a working email address with your web hosting provider. This will help you to receive notice regarding the expiry of the domain.
  • You’ll get a grace period of 30 days to recover the domain before it gets available for sale to the new buyer.

Basically, an expired domain goes back into the market for the two-month mark. In case, the domain name includes a famous second–level domain then there are chances that anyone or competitor can buy it. That is why, it’s always better to avail the recovery options if it happens with you.


We hope this article has given a pivotal understanding of what is a domain name and how you can use it for your business or project.  

Ekta Tripathi
A passionate Digital Marketing Ex and Content Writer working with Hostripples. I am passionate about writing blogs related to Information Technology and Digital Marketing. In my free time, I love to listen songs, spend time with my daughters and hang around social networking sites.

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