Elastic Map Reduce (Sahara): Introduction, Integration with swift and Installation

Today’s blog will walk you through the introduction of Sahara, how it integrates with swift and the steps to install Sahara on your system. Elastic Map Reduce (Sahara) is one of the components of OpenStack and with this component; we are going to continue our discussion on components of OpenStack through our series! Sahara: An […]

Why Maintaining a Website is Important??

My question to you is, are you maintaining your website? If not, you really need to read this blog. The reason why website maintenance is important because when hackers try to hack into your website it’s easier for them to go into your website which is not maintained and updated. So let’s talk about the […]

The Most Valuable cPanel Plugins

In the unending space known as the internet, you can find almost anything your heart desires. A recipe for the perfect savories, instructions on creating DIYs, and of course — limitless hours of those funny videos and memes. There are tons of amazing things on the web, and if you are one of them making […]