WordPress Hosting: Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Hosting and Managed Hosting

When we are talking about Hosting, it is a kind of analogy similar to a Building or Apartment. So anyone may ask questions like, What kind of Building? How many people live there? Is it a small or large Building? Thus considering Building as an analogy today we are going to discuss WordPress hosting on […]

Why should you Opt for VPS Hosting?

What is a VPS? A virtual private server (VPS) is an arrangement of splitting a physical server into several virtual servers that have their isolated virtual environment. Each virtual server can run its own operating system, and each server can be freely rebooted. In other words, a VPS hosting is a server, with its own […]

OpenVZ commands and its usages

10+ Commonly using OpenVZ commands and its usages 1, Command to list the running VPSs in a node # vzlist Example: # vzlist CTID NPROC STATUS IP_ADDR HOSTNAME 106 104 running xx.xx.xx.xx server1.test.com 107 46 running xx.xx.xx.xx server2.test.com 108 83 running xx.xx.xx.xx server3.test.com 109 86 running xx.xx.xx.xx server4.test.com 2, Command to list running and stopped […]