Email when access the server

Email when access the server It’s always a good practice & from the security point of view to get notified instantly through an email when someone logs into your server through SSH with root privileges. Open the file .bashrc for the root user. Vi /root/.bashrc enter the following code into echo ‘SSH Root Access (Your […]


FULLY MANAGED CHEAP CANADA VPS HOSTING : Hostripples! With VPS, unlike Shared Web Hosting, your data is protected and isolated from everyone else. Ready to move from Shared Web Hosting but not ready to pay for an entire Dedicated Server? VPS Web Hosting will be the best option and which will gives you all the […]

List of Server Commands & Knowing What is XEN VPS & OpenVZ VPS

Today in this blog we will learn some of the basic server commands for XEN VPS and OpenVZ Servers. We will also have a short idea about what is XEN VPS and OpenVZ technology. So without taking much time so let’s start with XEN VPS.  What is XEN VPS? XEN is virtualization technology isolating every […]