We can set the cron to restart the server when it was down or not running. You can use following script to detect and restart the httpd,ngnix,Serv-U or any other services.
1) Create the file vi /root/autorestart.sh and add the following code and save it.
You can replace the Serv-U with any your service like httpd or ngnix
# Restart command of your services
RESTART="/etc/init.d/Serv-U restart"
#Path to pgrep command
# Daemon name of your services
# find pid of serivces
if [ $? -ne 0 ] # if service not running
# restart Service
2) chdmo 755 /root/autorestart.sh
3) Set Cron to check every 3 minutes vi /var/spool/cron/root
*/3 * * * * sh /root/autorestart.sh
4) Done