Redirect Domain

Domain Redirect to Subdirectory Without Changing URL: Domain Redirect

The simple way to Domain redirect to subfolder without changing the URL A)  Domain Redirect and keep everything after the URL Show all of the same content on one URL as you would another. For example, if you just changed your domain to, but you still have plenty of visitors coming to, you […]

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What You Need From Web Hosting Provider? Know This 7 Points.

Being an owner of an online business, you always strive to be better than your competitor, and failing so will create a huge impact on your web traffic, user conversion rate, and ultimately on your revenue. Selecting proper web hosting for your website or application will improve your online presence very effectively. Therefore, in today’s […]

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What is Linux Process? Important commands for Linux Process

In an operating system, to complete a certain operation or task, the processes are required, Process is nothing but a running task or a system of users tasks. When you visit any website, lots of processes start running on the server, even though if you do not visit the website still there are lots of […]

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