How to replace MySQL with Percona Server on RHEL or CentOS in Vesta Control Panel

Replace MySQL with Percona Server on RHEL or CentOS in Vesta Control Panel You can safely replace MySQL with Percona Server without lossing any data. In order to do it, please follow the instructions bellow 1. Install Percona repository yum install 2. Remove MySQL packages yum remove mysql mysql-server mysql-libs 3. Install Percona packages […]

How to configure Service (SRV) Records in Vesta Control Panel

Configure Service (SRV) Records in Vesta Control Panel For the typical XMPP infrastructure we will need 3 DNS recods. One “A” record for the server itself and two “SRV” records for service auto-detect. Here are example records: xmpp 18000 IN A 18000 IN SRV 0 5 5222 18000 IN SRV 0 […]

How to install Fail2Ban on Debian or Ubuntu in Vesta Control Panel

Install Fail2Ban on Debian or Ubuntu in Vesta Control Panel. The installation process for this tool is simple because the Ubuntu packaging team maintains a package in the default repositories. 1. Install fail2ban package apt-get install fail2ban 2. Download hba configuration cd /etc wget -O fail2ban.tar.gz 3. Extract configuration tar -xzf fail2ban.tar.gz rm -f […]