How to install WHMCS module in Vesta Control Panel

  1. Locate whmcs installation directory on your server 2. Create vesta directory in the modules/server subdirectory 3. Download php module Example: cd /home/user/web/ mkdir vesta wget -O vesta.php The WHMCS plugin allows managing servers running Vesta Control Panel. You can automatically create delete or suspend user accounts. Users are able to change passwords […]

How to replace MySQL with Percona Server Debian or Ubuntu in Vesta Control Panel

Replace MySQL with Percona Server Debian or Ubuntu  You can safely replace MySQL with Percona Server without lossing any data. In order to do it, please follow the instructions bellow 1. Import Percona GPG key apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-keys 1C4CBDCDCD2EFD2A 2. Add this to /etc/apt/sources.list, replacing VERSION with the name of your distribution: deb […]

How to replace MySQL with Percona Server on RHEL or CentOS in Vesta Control Panel

Replace MySQL with Percona Server on RHEL or CentOS in Vesta Control Panel You can safely replace MySQL with Percona Server without lossing any data. In order to do it, please follow the instructions bellow 1. Install Percona repository yum install 2. Remove MySQL packages yum remove mysql mysql-server mysql-libs 3. Install Percona packages […]