How to Choose the Best VPS Hosting?

A virtual private server will be the right platform for people who are looking for hosting server which is reliable and stable to support their growing business. You can consider VPS hosting similar to dedicated server hosting but with few minor difference. Virtual private server ( VPS )is a single server that uses a single […]

Password protect directory-Cpanel

How to password protect directory in cPanel ? Ans : The instructions for password protect directory are as follows: 1) Login into your cPanel and click on the Password Protect Directories icon 2) Choose Web Root 3) Click on the name of the directory that you wish to password protect. 4) Check the box for “Password protect […]

List of 51 Linux Commands for Beginners 

Linux is a top-rated platform on the internet.  Linux is a free and open-source operating system, meaning anyone can use, modify, and distribute it without cost or restrictions. It powers many devices and systems, including personal computers, servers, supercomputers, smartphones (Android), and embedded devices. As per the stats, nearly 97% of websites on the internet use Linux servers and 55.9% of professional developers […]