While compiling ffmpeg-php from source with make command you may get the following error terminating your making process;
make: *** [ffmpeg_frame.lo] Error 1
This error occurs due to a missing file ‘ffmpeg_frame.lo‘ in the ffmpeg-php source, while your ffmpeg-php source may contain the file named ‘ffmpeg_frame.loT‘.
To Resolve this issue you just need to rename the ‘ffmpeg_frame.loT‘ to ‘ffmpeg_frame.lo‘ and make again, Please check below steps :
Go to ffmpeg-php source directory :
Note: your ffmpeg-php version may be different, i am using 0.6.0
[root@hostripples ~]# cd /path/to/ffmpeg-php-0.6.0
Now rename or copy the ‘ffmpeg_frame.loT‘ to ‘ffmpeg_frame.lo‘
[root@hostripples ~]# mv ffmpeg_frame.loT ffmpeg_frame.lo
Once you have successfully renamed/copied the file to ‘ffmpeg_frame.lo’, you should compile it again with make command.