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To configure Outlook for Gmail we have to take certain precautions to make sure we don’t get temporarily locked out of our account.
Make sure you don’t cross 2500 MB per day for a download of email size and 500 MB per day for IMAP uploads(sending email size). If you’re using IMAP email id on multiple electronic devices for a single account try to adjust this setting to make sure that you do not cross this limit.
We can access Gmail account using a web browser or any email client like Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail. We all must be knowing how to access it through a web browser and send and receive emails through it
As I said above we can use Microsoft Outlook to access and send and receive emails. So let’s check how we can configure outlook for Gmail to access our Gmail account.
To access your email over the web we use the SMTP service which is divided into two types
2. POP
It is recommended to use the IMAP method of SMTP to make sure your email is accessible from different devices where messages get sync in real-time.
Before configuring Outlook for Gmail or any email client for Gmail we need to make sure that our Gmail account is allowing us to connect these email clients.
Step 1: For that, we need to first login into a Gmail account on the top right side click the setting button here you will see all settings click “Forwarding, and pop the IMAP” tab
Step 2: Under “Forwarding, and pop the IMAP” tab, you will see the IMAP access section on the bottom side, here it is by default disabled we need to enable it, to make sure that we can access your emails using IMAP service that comes under SMTP.
Step 3: Once we enable it we have to save the changes click on save changes. This is all we have to do in the settings of the Gmail account.

Step 4: Now the next step is to configure outlook for Gmail, let’s see what our settings need to do on Outlook here are the steps for Microsoft Outlook 2013 we need to start Outlook 2013.
Step 5: Once The outlook is open we need to go to the File menu, click on account settings, and in the account settings dialog box click new. Now choose an email account, then click next. Choose manual setup for additional server time then click next here we have to choose between pop and IMAP as we have enabled the IMAP in the above settings so we will choose IMAP here and then click Next.
Step 6: On the main setting page, we need to make sure that you correctly insert value to connect your Gmail account as shown below
Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server
Requires SSL: Yes
Port: 993
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server
Requires SSL: Yes
Requires TLS: Yes (if available)
Requires Authentication: Yes
Port for SSL: 465
Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587
Full Name or Display Name Your name
Account Name, User name, or Email address Your full email address
Password Your Gmail password

Make sure that you configure your Gmail settings in Outlook as guided above in case of any issues you can verify once again and try to connect your Gmail account.
Most of the time if you configured and set the proper settings for your entry mail in Outlook you won’t be facing any issues but still, there are common problems that are faced by the customer like “cannot sign in to my email account” this error can be caused by invalid username or password. Sometimes two-step verification blocks the logins. Here we need to use an app password to login into the email.
You may also get “Too many simultaneous connection” errors when you use 15 IMAP connections for an account, when you use different email client which is trying to get a messages from a Gmail account at the same time.
Next error can be “security certificate CN error” where it mentions that “The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that could not be delivered. The certificate’s CN name does not match the passed value to resolve all this.” to resolve this, verify that you are using the IMAP method in your email client and not pop. Also, the IMAP server is set to and not