Redirecting a Domain to Another Domain: A Quick and Easy Tutorial, Hostripples Web Hosting

Redirecting a Domain to Another Domain: A Quick and Easy Tutorial

Redirecting the domain to another domain is an ordinary enactment in web development and online business management. Are you aware that domain redirection allows you to seamlessly direct website traffic from one domain to another? It’s a simple and effective way to ensure your audience lands on the right page every time!

It is associated with setting up rules or configurations that automatically forward visitors from the original domain to a new one. This technique is known for rebranding, consolidating various websites into a single domain, changing domain names, or improving user experience.

Discover the secrets of domain redirection in our latest article! From exploring different methods and registrar options to using .htaccess files and managing DNS, we’ve got you covered.

Learn how to navigate SEO concerns and maintain your search engine rankings during redirection. Stay informed and elevate your web management skills today!

Acquire knowledge of Domain Redirection

Domain redirection includes configuring the web servers or domain settings to set an auto-redirect visitor from one domain to another. It is achieved via the use of HTTP status codes, that inform web browsers and search engines about the nature and duration of the redirect.

Types of Redirects

Redirects are a way for websites to instruct browsers and search engines to send users to a different URL than the one they originally requested. There are plenty of reasons for setting the redirections, such as:

  • An old webpage was shifted to a new location.
  • A website has been merged with another website.
  • The content of a webpage is no longer available.

Check Categorize redirects in two ways:

  • By Permanence: Permanent redirects indicate that the old URL has been replaced with a new URL, while temporary redirects indicate that the old URL is still valid but the user is being sent to the new URL for this particular request.
  • By Implementation: Server-side redirects are handled by the web server, while client-side redirects are handled by the user’s browser.

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Check the types of redirects:

  • 301 Moved Permanently: This is the most common type of redirect and is used to indicate that a webpage has been permanently moved to a new location. Search engines will migrate the link equity of the old URL to the new URL.

Example: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Location:

  • 302 Found (Temporary Redirect): This redirect indicates that the webpage has been moved temporarily to a new location. Search engines typically won’t transfer link equity with a 302 redirect.

    Example: HTTP/1.1 302 Found Location:

  • 303 See Other: This redirect is equal to a 302 redirect, but it informs the browser to use the GET request method to retrieve the new resource.

Example: HTTP/1.1 303 See Other Location:

  • Meta Refresh: This is a client-side redirect implemented using HTML code. It’s generally not recommended for SEO purposes because search engines might not be able to follow the redirect.

Example: <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”5; URL=”>

There are other less common redirect codes as well, but these are the ones you’re most likely to encounter.

Redirecting a Domain via Domain Registrar

Many domain registrars offer a domain forwarding or URL redirect feature within their control panel. This allows you to redirect visitors from your domain to a different website without modifying the DNS records. Note down the steps using a domain registrar for redirection:


  • Simple Setup: It’s often a user-friendly interface with options to enter the source and destination URLs.
  • No DNS Management Required: You don’t need to edit complex DNS records, which can be helpful for beginners.


  • Limited Control: You might have fewer options compared to DNS-based redirects, such as choosing the redirect type (301 vs. 302).
  • Potential Delays: The propagation time for changes made through your registrar can be longer than DNS updates.

Steps (general guideline, may vary slightly depending on your registrar):

  1. Log in to your domain registrar account.
  2. Locate the domain management section for the domain you want to redirect.
  3. Look for options labeled “Forwarding,” “Domain Forwarding,” or “URL Redirect.”
  4. Enter the destination URL (the website you want users to be directed to).
  5. You might have an option to choose the redirect type (e.g., 301 permanent redirect).
  6. Save the changes.

Important Note: While convenient, using your domain registrar for redirection might not be suitable for all situations. If you need more control over redirect behavior or faster propagation times, consider using DNS-based redirects by modifying the A record or CNAME record for your domain.

Redirecting a Domain via Web Hosting Service

Redirecting a domain via your web hosting service is another common approach pointing your domain name to a different website.


  • Granular Control: Web hosting control panels typically offer more options than domain registrars. You can choose the redirect type (301 permanent, 302 temporary, etc.), configure specific redirects for subdomains, and potentially even manage advanced redirect rules.
  • Integration with Hosting: If your website is also hosted on the same platform, managing redirects alongside your website files can be convenient.


  • Learning Curve: Web hosting control panels can have a steeper learning curve compared to some domain registrar interfaces.

Steps (general guidelines, may vary depending on your hosting provider):

  1. Log in to your web hosting control panel.
  2. Go to the domain management section and check the domain you want to redirect.
  3. Look for options labeled “Redirects,” “URL Redirects,” or “Domain Forwarding.” These might be under the “Domains” or “Advanced” sections.
  4. You’ll typically see options to enter the:
    Source: The domain or subdomain you want to redirect (e.g., [invalid URL removed] or [invalid URL removed]). Some interfaces might use wildcards (*) to redirect everything.
    Destination URL: The website you want users to be directed to.
    Redirect Type: Choose between options like 301 (permanent) or 302 (temporary).
  5. You might have additional options based on your hosting provider, such as redirecting with or without preserving the path (e.g., /about/contact on the original URL being included in the destination URL).
  6. Save the changes.

Read: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Difference Between URL and Domain

Redirecting a Domain via .htaccess File

Important Note: Modifying the .htaccess file requires some server configuration knowledge and can potentially cause unexpected behavior on your website if not done correctly. It’s recommended to back up your existing .htaccess file before making any changes.


  • Granular Control: You can define very specific redirect rules based on URLs, user agents, and other conditions.
  • Flexibility: You can set up complex redirects that might not be possible through your domain registrar or web hosting control panel.


  • Technical Expertise Required: Editing .htaccess files requires understanding server configuration directives and rewrite rules. Mistakes can lead to website malfunctions.
  • Server Dependence: This method relies on your web server supporting mod_rewrite, which is a commonly used Apache module but might not be available on all servers.

Go through the general process (not exhaustive, for informational purposes only):

  1. Access your website’s root directory: This can be done through File Transfer Protocol (FTP) software or a file manager within your web hosting control panel.
  2. Locate the .htaccess file: This file might be hidden by default. You can enable showing hidden files in your FTP client or file manager settings.
  3. Create a new .htaccess file if one doesn’t exist.
  4. Edit the .htaccess file: You can use a plain text editor to add the redirect rules.
  5. Use the Redirect or RewriteEngine directives:
    Simple Redirects: Use the Redirect directive for basic redirects from one URL to another (e.g., redirecting all traffic to the homepage).
    Complex Redirects: Use RewriteEngine in combination with RewriteCond and RewriteRule directives for more advanced rules with specific conditions (e.g., redirecting a subfolder to a different domain).

DNS Redirecting

DNS (Domain Name System) redirection includes configuring DNS records to redirect traffic from one domain to another. This is the alternate method for domain redirection when other options are not available:

Understand DNS Records and their Role

DNS records include information about the domain’s settings, like IP addresses, mail servers, and aliases. The two most similar DNS record types used for redirection are:

A Record: The most common type, it directly links a domain name to an IP address.

CNAME Record (Alias): Acts like a nickname, pointing a domain name to another domain name. The IP address is set on by the A record of the target domain.

MX Record: Specifies mail server information for a domain, essential for email delivery.

NS Record: Defines which DNS servers are authoritative for a specific domain.

Other Record Types: There are additional record types for various purposes, like specifying subdomain handling (TXT records) or securing connections (SRV records).

Edit or create DNS Records > Steps to redirect using an A record

Operate the DNS provider’s control panel or management interface.

  • You have to log in using your account credentials
  • Next, you have to locate the section “DNS Management” or “DNS Settings”.
  • Check the option to add a new record.
  • Select the record type as A (Address).
  • Type the hostname or subdomain you are looking to redirect in the appropriate field.
  • Regulate the IP address of the destination server or website where you want to point the traffic in the record’s value field.
  • Last, you have to click on the Save button to save the changes.

Steps to redirect using a CNAME record

  • Log in to your domain registrar account.
  • Locate the domain management section for the domain you want to redirect. This might be labeled “DNS,” “Manage DNS,” or something similar.
  • Find the section for adding or editing DNS records. This is known as “DNS Management,” “Advanced Settings,” or “Record Editor.”
  • Check the button “Add a New Record” or “Create Record.”
  • You’ll need to create a record of type CNAME (Alias).

Enter the following details (these might vary slightly depending on your registrar):

  • Host Name: This can be left blank (often referred to as “@”) to redirect the entire domain. You can also use a specific subdomain (e.g., “www”) if you only want to redirect that part.
  • Points to: Enter the full domain name (including “www” if applicable) of the website you want to redirect users to (e.g., [invalid URL removed]). Some registrars might ask for the target website’s IP address, but using the domain name is generally preferred for easier future management.

Just save the changes.

Summary of the Testing Process

1) Use a new device or browser to avoid cached results.

2) Enter the domain name you redirected.

3) Observe if the browser automatically redirects to the target website and displays its URL in the address bar.

4) If the redirect doesn’t work, troubleshoot the DNS record configuration or contact your domain registrar/web host.

Checking and Troubleshooting Your Domain Redirect

After setting up a domain redirect, it is important to verify that it’s working correctly. Moreover, the frequent issues that can occur during the process and having troubleshooting techniques can allow you to resolve the problems that arise.

Manual Testing

Use unique web browsers: Test the redirecting process with the help of different web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.

Clear browser cache: It is suggested to clear the browser’s cache to avoid any cached redirects that interfere with testing.

Test on different devices: Monitor the redirect on various devices like desktop computers and laptops. Tablets, and smartphones to make sure it’s good going work.

Online Redirect Testing Tools

Redirect Checker by Small SEO Tools ( This basic tool allows you to check for redirects and see the destination URL.

WhatsMyDNS Redirect Checker

( This tool allows you to check for redirects and see the HTTP status code, as well as other details such as the server IP address and response time.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Clear DNS Cache: If a redirect is not working then you can clear the DNS cache to ensure you are accessing the latest DNS information. Instructions for clearing the DNS cache are based on the operating system you’re using.

Monitor the redirect configuration: You have to double-check domain registrar, web hosting service, or .htaccess file configurations to ensure the redirect settings’ accuracy.

Confirm the file permissions: If using a .htaccess file, make sure that the file has the correct permissions and is readable by the server.

Check the destination URL all alone: Before redirecting users, always double-check the destination URL or domain for accessibility and functionality. Avoid any hiccups on the destination server!

Monitor typos or errors: Ensure smooth website redirection by double-checking for typos, missing characters, or syntax errors in your redirect settings, DNS records, or .htaccess code. Precision is key!

Look for Technical Support: If you have trouble with redirects then consult your domain registrar, web hosting provider, or technical support team for assistance and expert guidance.

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What are the SEO Considerations and Best Techniques for Domain Redirection?

Domain redirection comes with a significant impact on SEO. Taking important steps to decrease the negative effects and ensure a smooth transition is mandatory.

Impact of Domain Redirection on SEO

When done correctly, domain redirection has minimal negative impact on SEO and can even be beneficial in some cases. However, improper implementation can lead to significant SEO drawbacks.

Positive Impacts:

  • Maintaining SEO value: When you permanently move a website from one domain to another (domain migration), using a 301 redirect ensures search engines understand the new location of your content. This helps transfer the SEO value (link equity, rankings) you’ve built on the old domain to the new one.
  • Consolidating multiple domains: If “n” number of domains are pointed to similar content, 301 redirects allow you to consolidate your SEO efforts under one primary domain. This avoids duplicate content penalties from search engines.

Negative Impacts (from improper implementation):

  • Loss of SEO value: Incorrect redirect types (like temporary 302 redirects) or redirect chains (multiple redirects in sequence) can confuse search engines and lead to a drop-in ranking.
  • Slow website loading times: Redirects add an extra step for browsers to fetch the content, potentially slowing down your website’s loading speed. This can be a negative SEO factor.
  • Broken links: If you redirect a URL without updating internal links on your website or backlinks from other websites, users and search engines might end up with broken pages (404 errors). This hurts user experience and can negatively impact SEO.

Best Practices for SEO-Friendly Domain Redirection:

  • Use 301 redirects for permanent URL changes.
  • Minimize redirect chains. Look for solo redirect if possible.
  • Update internal links on your website to point to the new URLs.
  • Use a tool like Google Search Console to monitor backlinks and identify any broken links that need to be fixed.
  • Submit a sitemap of the new domain to search engines to help them discover the redirected content.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that domain redirection has a minimal impact on your SEO and can even be a valuable tool for managing your website’s online presence.

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Final Words

Make a note that every click matters, so avoid neglecting the redirection of your domain and pave the way for a stronger and more optimized online presence.

Check all the steps mentioned in the article and adopt the best practices to smoothly redirect the domain while protecting the user experience and SEO.

In the case of troubleshooting, you can easily go with the process. Don’t forget to learn and improve your skills in domain redirection, as it’s a valuable tool for looking at and optimizing your online presence.

Redirecting a Domain to Another Domain: A Quick and Easy Tutorial, Hostripples Web Hosting
Ekta Tripathi
A passionate Digital Marketing Ex and Content Writer working with Hostripples. I am passionate about writing blogs related to Information Technology and Digital Marketing. In my free time, I love to listen songs, spend time with my daughters and hang around social networking sites.