If you are starting a hosting company where you do not need all of that space and bandwidth. You don’t even need that RAM to start off. Start small, go with a company that can scale you up as you grow. Here the VPS hosting is best and suitable option for such clients.
Our VPS Hosting plans not only provide full root SSH access but also enable you to host unlimited domains, install custom software/applications and resell hosting to provide you the convenience and independence of a dedicated server. Apache, PHP, Perl and MySQL are pre-installed for all Virtual Private Servers. To facilitate further simpler and quicker administration you can go for cPanel/WHM control panel for your VPS. .
Hostripples is an industry leader when it comes to reliable and high-performance Virtual Private servers at the most affordable prices:
– Fully Managed VPS Server
– Maximum Burst Memory
– Guaranteed Random Access Memory
– Monthly Bandwidth
– RAID10 Storage
– Root SSH Access
– 99.% Uptime Guarantee
– Free Setup
– Money Back Guarantee
– 24x7x365 Herioc Support
– 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
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