Perl error while running weblogs on the server

Error : error: List::Util object version 1.14 does not match bootstrap parameter 1.18 at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 92 Solution: If you are getting perl error while running /scripts/runweblogs do as follows : 1) Check the perl version on the server using following command Perl -v 2)  If you are getting following error while running runweblogs script […]

How to properly set up a Mail Client in Vesta Control Panel

Properly set up a Mail Client in Vesta Control Panel * You can use Thunderbird, Apple Mail, Outlook or Outlook Express * Use full e-mail address as username * IMAP and SMTP STARTTLS with normal passwords Username: Password: aXly8Kbiqo IMAP hostname: IMAP port: 143 IMAP security: STARTTLS IMAP auth method: Normal password SMTP […]