How to set up PostgreSQL on a Debian or Ubuntu in Vesta Control Panel

Set up PostgreSQL on a Debian or Ubuntu in Vesta Control Panel Step 1. Install PostgreSQL packages apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib phppgadmin Step 2. Download hba configuration wget -O /etc/postgresql/*/main/pg_hba.conf Step 3. Restart the server service postgresql restart Step 4. Set oracle user password su – postgres psql -c “ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD […]

How to set up PostgreSQL on a RHEL or CentOS in Vesta Control Panel

Set up PostgreSQL on a RHEL or CentOS in Vesta Control Panel 1. Install PostgreSQL packages yum install postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-contrib phpPgAdmin * If you have remi installed then don’t forget to explicitly enable it. yum install –enablerepo=remi postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-contrib phpPgAdmin 2. Initialize database cluster service postgresql initdb 3. Download hba configuration wget […]

Expert Tips: Hiring a Web Developer in 5 Easy Steps

Developer, developer, developer! Have you ever thought about why this profile is essential in the organization? Ok, imagine your business without a website, without an online presence! No, it’s not possible as we all want to expand our business. Similarly, here comes our hero who develops our website, a “Web Developer”. This article will guide […]