Hreflang Tags: A Way towards Successful International SEO Strategy

SEO is an important term that is continuously used to keep your website up-to-date on search engines. There is a wide range of services available online that you can use to keep your business up in front of a national audience. But, what if you’re targeting internationally then you might face the issue of languages, […]

International Women’s Day – Hostripples ‘Sheroes’ Thank you for all

On the occasion of this International Women’s Day 2021, Hostripples would like to salute all the women who is not only handling their personal lives, personal responsibility but also living official responsibilities effectively IT company, service provider, server support 24 x 7 service industry, server management, critical customer handling…. all the technical words shows how […]

Get to know OpenStack DNS (Designate) as a SaaS

————————————————————————- DNS (Designate) is one of the well known open source services in OpenStack. This project offers DNS as a Service also known as DNSaaS and also offers common, open API for programming DNS. Same as all the OpenStack APIs, the Designate is proposed by and combines with the authorization method of Keystone authentication. The […]