What Is a 404 Error Code? How They Happen and Why You Should Fix Them

Basically, in this article, we are going to see what is 404 error code, so before going into this let’s understand what is error code. Error code is nothing but a numerical number assigned to known errors which can occur while debugging, running or executing the application/website (basically program code). This can happen due to […]

404 error page not found for http://IP address/~username .

If you are getting the 404 error for the http://IP address/~username Then follow the below steps >> Login to the WHM >> Main >> Security Center >> Apache mod_userdir Tweak Apache’s mod_userdir allows users to view their sites by entering a tilde(~) and their username as the uri on a specific host. For example :: […]

WordPress website links giving 404 error!

Websites designed with the wordpress are giving 404 error’s after clicking on the links and this is happening due to changes in the rules under the .htaccess file of the domain.  You suppose to replace the existing .htaccess with the wp .htaccess code : ======================== # BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond […]