mod_python Installation

cd /usr/local/src FOR APache 2 wget FOR Apache 1 wget 2) Configure & install Python cd mod_python-2.7.11 ./configure –with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs (check where your apxs is by typing: locate apxs) make make install 3) Configure Apache pico -w /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf Locate your LoadModule – section by pressing CTRL-W and typing “LoadModule”. Add the following line under […]

Expert Tips: Hiring a Web Developer in 5 Easy Steps

Developer, developer, developer! Have you ever thought about why this profile is essential in the organization? Ok, imagine your business without a website, without an online presence! No, it’s not possible as we all want to expand our business. Similarly, here comes our hero who develops our website, a “Web Developer”. This article will guide […]

How to Install Redis On –Centos – WebPanel Server

A popular trick we all use to improve the efficiency of modern computer applications is by enabling caching or clearing the caches. In simple words, caching is to keep active data which is temporary and it makes it easier and faster to access. Likewise, Redis is one of the popular caching solutions that work well […]